Karazhan Crypts January 28th Release
WoW Season of Discovery Phase 7 has been eagerly awaited, as the patch 1.15.6 comes out on the January 28th in a bit over a week from now, packed with exciting content. Although this next patch is mostly targeting at testing build stability, there is a good amount of new content to test out. It will not be the only content coming out in Phase 7 but so far this includes the new dungeon, Karazhan Crypts, which will feature new quests, loot, and more!
While the release of Phase 7 wasn’t given a specific date, it was stated that its arrival is expected in the winter of 2025. This means we can likely expect Karazhan Crypts to launch by the end of January.
Karazhan Crypts will be a 5-man dungeon located on the southern side of Deadwind Pass.
It is easily accessible to the Alliance, as they can fly to Darkshire and quickly reach Deadwind Pass.
For the Horde, the journey will be a bit lenghtier, as they can fly to Stonard and then head west to reach Deadwind Pass.

Quite a popular request was added as a hotfix in the form of a Rune Broker Vendor to every starter area. This vendor will allow players to buy all class runes at Level 1, making it easier for alts to catch-up. Another new addition will be shoulder enchants with bonuses from classic raids like Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, AQ, and Zul’Gurub, and an early look at Naxxramas.