New WoW Classic PvP Honor Ranking System
Phase 2 of Classic Fresh: 20th Anniversary Edition is being released on January 9th, bringing with it a new Honor Ranking System.
The previous WoW Classic Honor Ranking System allowed players to earn PvP ranks, titles, and various gear with each rank, calculated based on the honor earned throughout the week. Significant changes are now being made to this old system.
In World of Warcraft Classic, the PvP Honor System allows players to earn everything PvP-related, from ranks to high-stamina PvP gear.
While Honor will be easier to earn when Battlegrounds go live on January 16th, players can easily achieve Rank 1 ahead of time by earning just 15 Honorable Kills. Many players focus on grinding for the highest ranks, such as 13 or 14, to access incredible gear, melee players will be especially excited to reach Rank 14, which grants them access to purchasing some of the strongest weapons available.

Earning honor is possible by doing various objectives, from capturing the flag in Warsong Gulch to capping a base in Arathi Basin, or defeating lieutenants in Alterac Valley.
Every week, earning honor and reaching certain thresholds will make your character rank up. There’s no longer honor decay like in the original version of this system.
PvP Ranking Lockout in Phase 2
With the release of World of Warcraft Classic Phase 2 on January 9th, the new PvP Honor Ranking System is officially live, though not all ranks will be accessible at this time.
In Phase 2, players can only rank up to Rank 11, as Ranks 12 to 14 remain locked until the release of Blackwing Lair in Phase 3, set to launch this spring.
Weekly Rank Up Planning
If you want to plan your next rank up and avoid wasting time wondering whether you’ll achieve your desired rank, there’s a great tool for that. It’s an addon called Ranker, which calculates how much honor is required for each rank, starting from 0% or your current honor percentile. This addon is a must-have if you don’t want to be left in the dark about your progress.
Classic Honor Rank Rewards
Rank 1 – Title: Private – Private’s Tabard
Rank 2 – Title: Corporal – Greater Insignia of the Alliance
Rank 3 – Title: Sergeant – Sergeant’s Cape
Rank 4 – Title: Master Sergeant – Master Sergeant’s Insignia
Rank 5 – Title: Sergeant Major – Awards Blue-quality Bracers
Rank 6 – Title: Knight – Knight’s Colors
Rank 7 – Title: Knight-Lieutenant – Awards rare-quality set boots and gloves
Rank 8 – Title: Knight-Captain – Awards rare-quality set chest and legs
Rank 9 – Title: Knight-Champion – Alliance Battle Standard
Rank 10 – Title: Lieutenant Commander – Awards rare-quality set helm and shoulders
Rank 11 – Title: Commander – Grants access to PvP epic mounts:
- Black War Steed Bridle
- Black War Ram
- Reins of the Black War Tiger
- Black Battlestrider
These mounts will be purchasable for 100 gold.
Rank 1 – Title: Scout – Scout’s Tabard
Rank 2 – Title: Grunt – Greater Insignia of the Horde
Rank 3 – Title: Sergeant – Sergeant’s Cloak
Rank 4 – Title: Senior Sergeant – Senior Sergeant’s Insignia
Rank 5 – Title: First Sergeant – Awards Blue-quality Bracers
Rank 6 – Title: Stone Guard – Stone Guard’s Herald
Rank 7 – Title: Blood Guard – Awards rare-quality set boots and gloves
Rank 8 – Title: Legionnaire – Awards rare-quality set chest and legs
Rank 9 – Title: Centurion – Horde Battle Standard
Rank 10 – Title: Champion – Awards rare-quality set helm and shoulders
Rank 11 – Title: Lieutenant General – Grants access to PvP epic mounts:
These mounts will be purchasable for 100 gold.