With the release of WoW Classic Fresh Phase 3 set for early March, players are eagerly anticipating the return of the Blackwing Lair raid. BWL is a 40-man raid featuring eight bosses, which we’ll cover in detail.
With Blackwing Lair located in Blackrock Mountain, we’ll need to cover both entrances leading up to it.
The first entrance is found in the Searing Gorge, follow the main path into the Molten Span. To the east, you’ll find a long chain leading up. Run up the chain and follow the ledge around the corner. At the edge, look down to spot a balcony—jump onto it. Through the doorway, you’ll find the portal for Blackrock Spire. If you’ve completed your Blackwing Lair attunement, head right down the long hallway until you see an orb. Interact with the orb to enter Blackwing Lair.

The second entrance is located in the Burning Steppes, follow the path up to the left into the Molten Span. This will lead directly to the long chain that connects to the rock ledge. From there, follow the same route as you would when entering from Searing Gorge.
Blackwing Lair Attunement
Blackwing Lair is located deep within Upper Blackrock Spire, past the halls of the Warchief Rend Blackhand event. However, players can take a quicker route using a shortcut for easier access.
Facing the entrance of Blackrock Spire, turn right and look down the hallway. You’ll encounter several Scarshield mobs, including the Scarshield Quartermaster. Defeat him to obtain Blackhand’s Command, which starts the quest Blackhand’s Command. This quest requires you to interact with the Orb of Ascension, located behind General Drakkisath, the final boss of Blackrock Spire.
Once completed, you can quickly enter Blackwing Lair by returning to the same hallway where you defeated the Scarshield Quartermaster, to the right of the Blackrock Spire entrance. At the end of the hallway, you’ll find an orb—simply interact with it to zone into Blackwing Lair.
Notable Loot in Blackwing Lair
Blackwing Lair bosses drop the majority of the Tier 2 armor sets, which are specific to each class. Notably, the final boss of Molten Core, Ragnaros, drops the leg pieces of the Tier 2 sets, making these items exclusive to him. Additionally, Onyxia, the final boss of Onyxia’s Lair, drops the Tier 2 helmets.
Elementium Ore is a significant drop from Blackwing Technicians. It is used to smelt Elementium Bars, which are essential for crafting Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
Razorgore the Untamed
Tier 2 Wrist Pieces
Item | Class |
Netherwind Bindings | Mage |
Stormrage Bracers | Druid |
Nemesis Bracers | Warlock |
Judgement Bindings | Paladin |
Bracelets of Wrath | Warrior |
Bracers of Ten Storms | Shaman |
Dragonstalker’s Bracers | Hunter |
Bloodfang Bracers | Rogue |
Bindings of Transcendence | Priest |
Other Loot
Item | Type | Class |
Arcane Infused Gem | Trinket | Hunter |
The Black Book | Trinket | Warlock |
Gloves of Rapid Evolution | Gloves | All |
Mantle of the Blackwing Cabal | Shoulders | All |
Spineshatter | One-Hand Mace | All |
The Untamed Blade | Two-Hand Sword | All |
Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
Tier 2 Belt Pieces
Item | Class |
Netherwind Belt | Mage |
Stormrage Belt | Druid |
Nemesis Belt | Warlock |
Judgement Belt | Paladin |
Waistband of Wrath | Warrior |
Belt of Ten Storms | Shaman |
Dragonstalker’s Belt | Hunter |
Bloodfang Belt | Rogue |
Belt of Transcendence | Priest |
Other Loot
Item | Type | Class |
Mind Quickening Gem | Trinket | Mage |
Rune of Metamorphosis | Trinket | Druid |
Pendant of the Fallen Dragon | Neck | All |
Helm of Endless Rage | Head | All |
Dragonfang Blade | One-Hand Dagger | All |
Red Dragonscale Protector | Shield | All |
Broodlord Lashlayer
Tier 2 Boot Pieces
Item | Class |
Netherwind Boots | Mage |
Stormrage Boots | Druid |
Nemesis Boots | Warlock |
Judgement Sabatons | Paladin |
Sabatons of Wrath | Warrior |
Greaves of Ten Storms | Shaman |
Dragonstalker’s Greaves | Hunter |
Bloodfang Boots | Rogue |
Boots of Transcendence | Priest |
Other Loot
Item | Type | Class |
Lifegiving Gem | Trinket | Warrior |
Venomous Totem | Trinket | Rogue |
Black Brood Pauldrons | Shoulders | All |
Bracers of Arcane Accuracy | Bracers | All |
Heartstriker | Bow | All |
Maladath, Runed Blade of the Black Flight | One-Hand Sword | All |
Firemaw, Ebonroc and Flamegor
Tier 2 Glove Pieces
Item | Class |
Netherwind Gloves | Mage |
Stormrage Handguards | Druid |
Nemesis Gloves | Warlock |
Judgement Gauntlets | Paladin |
Gauntlets of Wrath | Warrior |
Gauntlets of Ten Storms | Shaman |
Dragonstalker’s Gauntlets | Hunter |
Bloodfang Gloves | Rogue |
Handguards of Transcendence | Priest |
Other Loot
Item | Type | Class |
Taut Dragonhide Belt | Belt | All |
Drake Talon Pauldrons | Shoulders | All |
Ring of Blackrock | Ring | All |
Rejuvenating Gem | Trinket | All |
Shadow Wing Focus Staff | Staff | All |
Drake Talon Cleaver | Two-Hand Axe | All |
Firemaw Exclusive Loot
Item | Type | Class |
Scrolls of Blinding Light | Trinket | Paladin |
Natural Alignment Crystal | Trinket | Shaman |
Black Ash Robe | Chest | All |
Firemaw’s Clutch | Belt | All |
Claw of the Black Drake | Fist Weapon | All |
Cloak of Firemaw | Back | All |
Legguards of the Fallen Crusader | Legs | All |
Primalist’s Linked Legguards | Legs | All |
Ebonroc Exclusive Loot
Item | Type | Class |
Aegis of Preservation | Trinket | Priest |
Band of Forced Concentration | Ring | All |
Drake Fang Talisman | Trinket | All |
Ebony Flame Gloves | Gloves | All |
Malfurion’s Blessed Bulwark | Chest | All |
Dragonbreath Hand Cannon | Gun | All |
Flamegor Exclusive Loot
Item | Type | Class |
Shroud of Pure Thought | Back | All |
Circle of Applied Force | Ring | All |
Emberweave Leggings | Legs | All |
Styleen’s Impeding Scarab | Trinket | All |
Dragon’s Touch | Wand | All |
Herald of Woe | Two-Hand Mace | All |
Tier 2 Shoulder Pieces
Item | Class |
Netherwind Mantle | Mage |
Stormrage Pauldrons | Druid |
Nemesis Spaulders | Warlock |
Judgement Spaulders | Paladin |
Pauldrons of Wrath | Warrior |
Epaulets of Ten Storms | Shaman |
Dragonstalker’s Spaulders | Hunter |
Bloodfang Spaulders | Rogue |
Pauldrons of Transcendence | Priest |
Other Loot
Item | Type | Class |
Angelista’s Grasp | Waist | All |
Taut Dragonhide Shoulderpads | Shoulders | All |
Chromatic Boots | Boots | All |
Taut Dragonhide Gloves | Gloves | All |
Shimmering Geta | Boots | All |
Elementium Threaded Cloak | Back | All |
Girdle of the Fallen Crusader | Belt | All |
Empowered Leggings | Legs | All |
Chromatically Tempered Sword | One-Hand Sword | All |
Claw of Chromaggus | Dagger | All |
Primalist’s Linked Waistguard | Waist | All |
Ashjre’thul, Crossbow of Smiting | Crossbow | All |
Elementium Reinforced Bulwark | Shield | All |
Tier 2 Chest Pieces
Item | Class |
Netherwind Robes | Mage |
Stormrage Chestguard | Druid |
Nemesis Robes | Warlock |
Judgement Breastplate | Paladin |
Breastplate of Wrath | Warrior |
Breastplate of Ten Storms | Shaman |
Dragonstalker’s Breastplate | Hunter |
Bloodfang Chestpiece | Rogue |
Robes of Transcendence | Priest |
Other Loot
Item | Type | Class |
Head of Nefarian | Quest Item | All |
Cloak of the Brood Lord | Back | All |
Boots of the Shadow Flame | Boots | All |
Therazane’s Link | Waist | All |
Archimtiros’ Ring of Reckoning | Ring | All |
Neltharion’s Tear | Trinket | All |
Pure Elementium Band | Finger | All |
Mish’undare, Circlet of the Mind Flayer | Head | All |
Prestor’s Talisman of Connivery | Neck | All |
Staff of the Shadow Flame | Staff | All |
Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood | Two-Hand Sword | All |
Crul’shorukh, Edge of Chaos | One-Hand Axe | All |
Lok’amir il Romathis | One-Hand Mace | All |