The highly anticipated Phase 3 of WoW’s 20th Anniversary Edition is fast approaching. This update brings the release of the Blackwing Lair raid, new Level 50 Class Quests, PvP Honor Rank 14, Arathi Basin, and much more.
Release Date
The content will be staggered across two separate release dates, with the first launching on March 20, featuring the Blackwing Lair raid along with additional content detailed below.
Content Release Schedule
- March 20: Phase 3 launch, featuring Blackwing Lair raid, Level 50 Class Quests, Warsong Gulch Reputation rewards, Eternal Quintessence, and Darkmoon Faire.
- April 3: PvP Honor Rank 11 cap removal, Arathi Basin Battleground opens, and Battleground Bonus Weekends begin.
Blackwing Lair
Blackwing Lair is an 8-boss raid that concludes with a battle against Nefarian, the eldest son of Deathwing. The entrance to the instance is located at the peak of Blackrock Spire, where players can access the portal and begin the raid after completing their attunement.
Boss Encounters in Blackwing Lair:
- Razorgore the Untamed – Charged with safeguarding and nurturing black dragon eggs hidden within the lair.
- Vaelastrasz the Corrupt – Once a noble dragon, he was defeated by Nefarian and twisted into a pawn, forced to fight against those who oppose his master.
- Broodlord Lashlayer – A powerful drakonid of the black dragonflight, serving as a frontline enforcer for Nefarian.
- Firemaw, Ebonroc, and Flamegore – These three black dragons serve under Nefarian’s command but ultimately remain loyal to Deathwing.
- Chromaggus – A fearsome chromatic beast engineered by Nefarian, capable of wielding the abilities of multiple dragonflights.
- Nefarian – The master of Blackrock Spire, eldest son of Deathwing, and architect of the chromatic dragonflight, awaiting challengers in the final confrontation.
Level 50 Class Quests
Once you reach Level 50 or higher, you can begin your class quests by visiting your class trainer in any major city. These quests will guide you on an epic journey, ultimately leading you to the Temple of Atal’Hakkar in the Swamp of Sorrows.
Druids will be tasked with meeting Towa Pathfinder in Un’Goro Crater, who will assign a series of quests: Blood Petal Poison, Toxic Test, and A Final Ingredient.
Upon completing this questline, you’ll be able to choose from three rare-quality rewards: Grizzled Pelt, Forest’s Embrace, and Moonshadow Stave.
Hunters will be sent to Azshara, along the cliffs near the eastern shore, to meet up with Ogtinc for the quest Hunter’s Charm. He’ll ask you to undertake a series of quests: Courser’s Antlers, Wavethrashing, and The Green Drake.
Upon completing this questline, you’ll be able to choose from three rare-quality rewards: Hunting Spear, Devilsaur Eye, and Devilsaur Tooth.
Mages will pick up the quest Magecraft, which will send them to Sanath Lim-yo in Azshara. He’ll provide a teleport to Archmage Xylem, who will give the next series of quests: Magic Dust, The Siren’s Coral, and Destroy Morphaz.
Upon completing this questline, you’ll be able to choose from three rare-quality rewards: Glacial Spike, Arcane Crystal Pendant, and Fire Ruby.
Paladins will begin their journey with the quest Chillwind Camp, which sends them to Commander Ashlam Valorfist in Western Plaguelands. From there, they’ll embark on a series of quests that ultimately lead to the Temple of Atal’Hakkar: Dispelling Evil, Inert Scourgestones, and Forging the Mightstone.
At the completion of this questline, they’ll be able to choose from three rare-quality rewards: Lightforged Blade, Sanctified Orb, and Chivalrous Signet.
Priests will receive the quest Cenarion Aid from their trainer, which will lead them to Azshara to speak with Ogtinc on the cliffs near the eastern shore. Ogtinc will give them the next series of quests: Of Coursers We Know, The Ichor of Undeath, and The Blood of Morphaz.
Upon completing this questline, they’ll be able to choose from three rare-quality rewards: Blessed Prayer Beads, Woestave, and Circle of Hope.
Rogues will be given the quest A Simple Request, which sends them to Alterac Valley to meet up with Lord Jorach Ravenholdt. He’ll give the next quest, Sealed Azure Bag, which has them traveling to Azshara to visit Archmage Xylem. Sanath Lim-yo will be able to help them teleport to him. Archmage Xylem will give them the quest Encoded Fragments, followed by The Azure Key.
At the completion of this questline, they’ll be able to choose from three rare-quality rewards: Ebon Mask, Whisperwalk Boots, and Duskbat Drape.
Shamans will be given the quest Elemental Mastery, which sends them to collect samples of air, fire, earth, and water to take to Bath’rah the Windwatcher in Chillwind Point. They can get there by following the river north from Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad Foothills. These samples can be gathered from the elementals in Alterac Valley. Once they’ve turned in the quest, he’ll give them the quest Spirit Totem, which will send them into the Western Plaguelands. After completing this, he’ll give them the quest Da Voodoo, which will send them into the depths of the Temple of Atal’Hakkar.
Upon completing this questline, they’ll be able to choose from three rare-quality rewards: Azurite Fists, Wildstaff, and Enamored Water Spirit.
To begin this questline, Warlocks will pick up the quest An Imp’s Request from their trainer, which will have them travel to Felwood to meet up with Impsy. They can also take up the quest Hot and Itchy directly from Impsy, who will give them the next series of quests: The Wrong Stuff and Trolls of a Feather, leading into the Temple of Atal’Hakkar.
At the completion of this questline, they’ll be able to choose from three rare-quality rewards: Soul Harvester, Abyss Shard, and Robes of Servitude.
Warriors will pick up the quest A Troubled Spirit, which sends them to the Swamp of Sorrows to speak with the Fallen Hero of the Horde. They’ll find him along the path into the Blasted Lands. The Fallen Hero of the Horde will give them the next series of quests: Warrior Kinship, War on the Shadowsworn, and Voodoo Feathers.
At the completion of this questline, they’ll be able to choose from three rare-quality rewards: Fury Visor, Diamond Flask, and Razorsteel Shoulders.
Darkmoon Faire
The Darkmoon Faire is a lively celebration filled with various activities to enjoy and rewards to earn, all of which require Darkmoon Faire Prize Tickets. The Faire can occasionally be found in Mulgore and Elwynn Forest, and when it’s approaching, barkers will travel to Orgrimmar and Ironforge to announce its arrival.

Arathi Basin and PvP Honor Rank 14
Two weeks after the launch of Phase 3, the PvP Honor Rank 11 cap will be lifted, allowing players to progress all the way to Rank 14 and earn new titles and rewards. The gates of Arathi Basin will open, offering a 15 vs. 15 resource battle, and additional opportunities for Honor and rewards will be available during Battleground holiday weekends.
Arathi Basin is a 15v15 battleground set in the Arathi Highlands. Players battle for control of five key resources: Stables, Mines, Blacksmith, Lumber Mill, and Farm. Capturing these nodes rewards teams with points, and the more resources a team controls, the faster they accumulate points. A team that captures all five nodes will earn 30 resources per second.