The War Within: Season 2 New Mythic+ Dungeon Operation: Floodgate

With Season 2 of The War Within arriving on March 4th, 2025, a brand-new Mythic+ dungeon called Operation: Floodgate will be released. Here’s a breakdown of the encounters, item drops, and everything you need to know.


The entrance to the Operation: Floodgate dungeon can be found in The Ringing Deeps, specifically near The Waterworks area of the zone. Players looking to access the dungeon should head toward this section, where they will find the portal leading into the instance.

Dungeon Map and Weapon Stockpiles

Operation: Floodgate is divided into two floors, with the majority of the encounters taking place on the first floor, where you’ll face off against the first three bosses. Once you’ve defeated them, a tunnel opens, guiding you down to the final encounter on the second floor.

However, defeating the bosses alone won’t be enough to progress. Throughout the dungeon, you must also “pilfer 5 Weapon Stockpiles” that are scattered across the map. These stockpiles are hidden in various locations, so keep your eyes open before learning the correct route and pathing.

Bosses and Loot Drops

In Operation: Floodgate, you will face off against 4 unique bosses:

  1. Big M.O.M.M.A. – A massive mech suit piloted by Silva Skystreak.
  2. Demolition Duo – A brain and brawn duo, combining explosive power and cunning strategy.
  3. Swampface – A hibernating beast that has been sleeping at the bottom of the Waterworks.
  4. Geezle Gigazap – A brilliant electric mastermind.


BackElectrician’s Siphoning FilterGeezle Gigazap


ChestSaboteur’s Rubber JacketGeezle Gigazap
LegsRazorchoke SlacksSwampface
FeetNonconductive Kill-o-SocksBig M.O.M.M.A.


HelmWaterworks Filtration MaskDemolition Duo
ShouldersMechanized JunkpadsBig M.O.M.M.A.
WristDisturbed Kelp WrapsSwampface


ShoulderSkystreak’s Hidden MissilesBig M.O.M.M.A.
ChestBront’s Singed BlastcoatDemolition Duo
WaistPortable Power GeneratorGeezle Gigazap


HandsJumpstarter’s Scaffold-ScrapersGeezle Gigazap
ChestMuckdiver’s Wading PlateSwampface
WaistVenture Contractor’s FloodlightDemolition Duo


Agility/StrengthImprovised Seaforium PacemakerDemolition Duo
IntellectGigazap’s Zap-CapGeezle Gigazap
IntellectDarkfuse MedichopperBig M.O.M.M.A.
VersatilityRinging Ritual MudSwampface

One-Handed Weapon

DaggerAgilityGeezle’s Coercive Volt-ohmmeterGeezle Gigazap
WarglaiveAgilitySonic Ka-BOOM!-erangBig M.O.M.M.A.

Two-Handed Weapon

SwordStrengthCircuit BreakerGeezle Gigazap
PolearmAgilityGallytech Turbo-TillerSwampface

Ranged Weapon

GunAgilityKeeza’s ‘B.’ B.B.B.F.GDemolition Duo

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