The Best Team Ups in Marvel Rivals Season 1 Based on Win Rate

Welcome to our comprehensive Marvel Rivals Team Ups tier list! Whether you’re a seasoned Overwatch player or a newcomer trying to climb the ranks since Season 0, this article will include some raw data across all ranks in the competitive mode that we have so far and hopefully help you determine which hero team ups dominate the meta right now and which ones might need a little more adjustments (or synergy) to be effective. Dive in to discover the best comps for your playstyle in Marvel Rivals Season 1!

Win rate across all ranks in Competitive

All data is provided by Rivals Meta. They are tracking matches to showcase detailed insights and further analysis into all Marvel Rivals heroes by offering win rates, pick rates, and ban rates for every hero. While also being able to filter the data by rank, game mode (Competitive Ranked, Quick Play or even Tournament) and each hero role/type (Vanguard, Duelist, Strategist).

S Tier Team Ups

Voltaic Union

Thor grants Cap and Storm a new active ability, allowing them to channel lightning through their normal attacks for additional damage.

Captain America and Thor are common Vanguard picks in a dive team comp since they simply work very well together. Thor is a close-combat, heavy bruiser , while Cap has all the necessary mobility to pressure the enemy. Especially squishy Duelists and Strategist out of position. Plus, he gets a damage increase when teamed with Thor. You can also change around the Duelists and Strategists. Adam or Mantis and Wolverine or Spider-Man are generally a solid way to round out this comp.

Guardian Revival

Adam Warlock shares his cocoon revival ability with both Mantis and Star-Lord, allowing them to revive mid-combat every two minutes.
is insanely mobile, and he comes with team-up abilities with both Adam and Mantis. You can usually lock in Adam with Mantis as your strategists thanks to their duo synergy. Vanguards on the other hand like Hulk, Thor, and Doctor Strange can soak up incoming damage while dealing it out. You can even alternate one of them for Peni Parker. Especially on defense, she does well at sustaining herself while keeping to the backlines.

Symbiote Bond

Venom grants both Spider-Man and Peni Parker an active ability, which allows them to channel a symbiote through them, dealing damage to enemies and pushing them back.

Ragnarok Rebirth

Hela gains a passive ability that allows her to instantly resurrect one of her brothers if they’re dead or give them bonus health if they’re still alive, after she last hits or eliminates an enemy.

Gamma Charge

Hulk’s presence augments both Iron Man’s Armor Overdrive and Doctor Strange’s Maelstrom of Madness, making them much more powerful.

Fantastic Four

Invisible Woman grants Mister Fantastic a brand new passive ability, which gives him increased damage resistance while also gradually generating bonus health.

A Tier

Ammo Overload

Rocket Raccoon gains a bonus ability that allows him to place an ammo pack on the ground. This device grants both The Punisher and Winter Soldier way faster firing weapons and unlimited ammo while they’re nearby.

Fastball Special

Probably the most iconic duo team up in the game, Hulk and Wolverine can agree to team-up with a button press, allowing Hulk to throw Wolverine a great distance and make great plays or equally great miss plays.

B Tier

Dimensional Shortcut (Psylocke, Magik, Panter)

Magik grants an active ability to both Black Panther and Psylocke, which allows them to travel backward in time while also giving them bonus health, similar to Tracer’s rewind seen in Overwatch.

Planet X Pals (Groot, Jeff, Rocket)

Both Rocket Raccoon and Jeff the Land Shark can interact with Groot to ride around on his shoulders, granting them bonus damage reduction.

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