Faded Championship Ring includes
- Guaranteed Faded Championship Ring – Epic 639/652 ilvl ring obtained in Undermine.
- All of the other loot and gold that drops along the way.
Additional options
- Stream — Opt in if you’d prefer to monitor the booster throughout the service of your BiS item farming on a personal stream.
- Your character’s level should match your request;
(in the case of endgame raid services, your character should be level 80) - Active World of Warcraft Subscription.
More info
This BiS ring that drops from Cauldron of Carnage in Liberation of Undermine on LFR, Normal and Heroic Difficulties is Best in Slot for many melee classes and specs such as Unholy Death Knight, Frost Death Knight, Arms Warrior, Fury Warrior, Retribution Paladin, Windwalker Monk and more.