Dragon Soul Heroic Raid includes
- Dragon Soul Raid Completed on Heroic difficulty.
- Chance to get 410ilvl gear, BiS off pieces and part of a tier set.
- Raid related and Feats of Strength achievements obtained
- All of the other loot and gold that drops along the way.
- By default, at least 3 items are guaranteed.
Guaranteed Heroic gear per boss:
- 3 Heroic Bosses — 1+ heroic gear item;
- 5 Heroic Bosses — 3+ heroic gear items;
- 6 Heroic Bosses — 4+ heroic gear items;
Additional options
- Stream — Opt in if you’d prefer to monitor the booster throughout the service of your raid run on a personal stream.
- Your character’s level should match your request;
(in the case of endgame raid services, your character should be level 85) - Active World of Warcraft Subscription.
More info
The Dragon Soul is the final raid instance of the Cataclysm expansion. Dragon Soul contains eight bosses, in multiple locations, culminating in the battle with Deathwing. It is the most difficult raid instance in Cataclysm, coming after the Firelands raid.
In order to unlock unrestricted access to Heroic 10M and Heroic 25M modes, the
[Destroyer’s End] achievement must be completed first.